Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Visual Men??!!

In the post below, Jez commented that guys communicate visually, and I thought that statement sounded a little odd. Yesterday though, I happened to see this on the third floor of the Playford building, City East campus:

Case closed?

Note to self - Don't take pictures of toilets ever again. People stare.


Lil' Blue Bear said...

erwinnnn got blog never tell meeeeeeee. :P

jezamine said...

seee.... guys need pictures to tell them that its the gents...
i need not say more

hainamkopi said...

Haha yup mindy technology has finally caught up with me! And jez: one picture speaks a thousand words ma... so smart rite, no need to read or write so much :)

Wei Jin said...

joker man...hahaa

hainamkopi said...
