Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Saw this in a Chinatown grocery store a little while back... is this what happens to stillborn babies?


Yup, this is the beginning of my very own blog :) 21 years of peace and solitude and I decide to ruin it all with a few taps on my keyboard * slaps forehead- d'oh !!! * Mid-life crisis la.... Anyway, regarding this blogging business - what on Earth am I doing?!! I mean, I'm really jakun when it comes to this 'jotting thoughts down' sort of thing.... I can still vividly remember the one and only time I received a diary, way back in primary school. Half the pages went into paper aeroplane production. The other half - paper bullets to shoot at my friends! And up till 2005, I thought a blog was something you'd place into a sandwich (I tend to associate strange words with food mmmmmm...).

Well, glad to report that the katak has finally leaped out of the tempurung! Yahoo! And since this blog is brand new, here's a picture of me when I was brand new too!

I can shake! I am the Elvis of babyland!

Ermmm.... alrighty then everyone, welcome to my wacky world!! :)
